If the LA Times and MSN are telling you that 1 Million voters have switched to the GOP… it’s probably much worse for Democrats than that. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/more-than-1-million-voters-nationwide-switch-to-the-gop-in-a-warning-sign-for-democrats/ar-AAYUHX6
Thoughts on the Morning after Election 2020
We thought we could go back to our lives after the election, but that’s not what’s planned. Chaos is being injected at every level of global society by some existential force. We’re seeing the effects of spiritual warfare break through into the physical realm. You’re being angered, agitated and made desperate BY DESIGN. You’re locked down, masked up, propagandized and … Read More
Why don’t they want a cure for COVID-19?
If you’re interested in a theory as to why COVID-19 is not like any other respiratory virus, you may want this paper. The theory is that COVID-19 is a virus that interacts with the Heme in hemoglobin and causes it to release it’s iron ion, creating oxidative stress, while at the same time, making it difficult for the blood to … Read More
Why I am a non-voter
The greatest thing to happen on Election night 2016, was not that Trump won. Again… I didn’t vote for a man who promised to murder the families of suspected terrorists (which he did 9 days after his inauguration, in a Yemen raid that killed an 8 year-old American citizen and a Navy SEAL). The greatest thing to happen on Election … Read More
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
St. John’s Church, Richmond, Virginia March 23, 1775. MR. PRESIDENT: No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen … Read More
Open Letter to Gavin Newsom on Medical Freedom
The California Legislature has removed my child’s right to a free and public education (guaranteed by the California Constitution) by implementing a COERCIVE law (SB277) that violates my First Amendment right to the free exercise of my religious beliefs. By removing the Religious Exemption to mandatory vaccination as a prerequisite to attend public OR PRIVATE school, my rights to free … Read More
The Vaccine Holy War
It’s almost impossible to convince people that vaccines are unsafe. It has become a holy war with all the hallmarks of religious zealotry. You’re not going to convert the Pediatric Priests who administer the sacraments of intentional-infection, nor are you going to turn the Bishops of Bureaucracy at HHS because almost all of them are dispatched straight from the vaunted … Read More
My ’70s Parents DID Vaccinate me. This is what my childhood was like.
There’s an article that’s been circulating since 2013 written by Amy Parker, where she regales us with the horrors of her naturalist upbringing in dirty, rural England and bemoans being unvaccinated as the root cause of all her ailments, to include tonsillitis (an irritation of the tonsils for which there is no vaccine) and HPV (a preventable sexually transmitted disease). … Read More
Banned from Facebook for Criticism of Dr. Pan’s False Facts – SB1424
The “Doctored” Photo In an absolutely iconic and ironic picture of hypocrisy from the government-technocracy complex, I have been suspended from Facebook for 30 days for calling out Dr. Richard Pan and his sycophantic followers after Dr. Pan posted a story about a measles outbreak that featured a badly-photoshopped image of a newborn baby with clone-tool “measles” all over its … Read More